Welcome to Calvary Baptist Church Anna

Bible Study @ 9:45am & 11am
Worship @ 9:45 & 11am
Bible Study @ 6pm
Iglesia Vida Para Todos
(214) 517-0205
Domingos 12:45PM
Te sientes solo, triste y afligido?
Permitenos ayudarte.
Cristo, la unica esperanza!
Men's Breakfast
Saturday, January 18th @ 8am
Naomi's Cirlce
Saturday, January 25th @ 9am
We Believe…
"The Bible is the Inerrant Word of God and the Ultimate Authority!"
Psalm 119:89, 2 Timothy 3:16
"In Reaching out to the World starting with our own Community!
Acts 1:8, Mark 16:15
"In Loving the Hurting, the Sinner and the Christian!"
1 John 4:7, Romans 13:8
"There is no Relationship with Jehovah God apart from Repentance!"
2 Peter 3:9, Luke 5:32
There are 3 basic ways.
1) Profession of Faith and Baptism!
This is when a person is making their first public,
adult profession of faith in Christ as Lord and Savior.
This does not necessarily mean that you are just becoming a believer at the time,
but that you are now making your decision public, requesting baptism and membership.
2) Transfer of Letter!
This is where a person is already a member of another like minded church.
Our church will request a letter from that church, confirming that the person seeking membership
is in fact a member in good standing.
just a fancy way of saying that you are already a member of another church,
and are simply wanting to move your membership to our church.
We understand and recognize that not all churches have “membership” and that you may just simply be joining our church without an official transfer.
3) Statement of Faith!
This option is for those who are neither making a first-time profession of faith
OR coming from another church. New members in this category are simply saying,
“I’m not a new Christian, and I don’t have a current church membership but
I want to be a member of this church.”